Sunday, March 15, 2015

game reveiw: warframe

warframe is a 3rd person shooter where you can choose which character you play as then go through a series of missions with varied difficulty's. the character i play as is ash who is an offensive and stealth character with special ability's like teleport and shuruken.
the characters except for the three basics need to be bought or built on your ship, to buy a character you need to buy platinum with your credit card through the website and to build you need to buy the blueprints from the market and unlock the part blueprints from defeating a specific boss. the parts for my character are quite hard to get because you need to defeat one of the last bosses.

the game determines which weapons a player can buy or build with rank locks, the locks are put in so a person who just started can't buy the best melee weapon the dragon nikana strait away and completely obliterate the basic enemies and other players.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Game reveiw. Assassins creed:Unity

The new game Assassins creed:Unity was an extremely buggy game, during all prologue dialogue the main characters hair was shifting so much at one point he looked like a xenomorph from aliens.
The game itself was good but they could of put more effort on the programming instead of the concept art.

The game had a good vibe heading up to its release all over the world people talking about how they bought pre-orders, but when the game itself was released the people were saying that it was crap and you should not buy the game on pc until the have fixed all the bugs.personally the reactions were blown way out of proportion and you should buy the game if you don't mind a few bugs.

I would give it 3 out of 5 because of the bugs but the games graphics were amazing and the gameplay was good but challenging. So don't stop playing the assassins creed games because of a few bugs and lag.